Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Super Summer Kerchief

In honor of my completed Super Summer Backpack By Lion Brand, I made up a knitted kerchief pattern to match:

Super Summer Kerchief

US 6 Straight and US 6 DPN (x2 for i cord)
Worsted Weight yarn, to match your Super Summer Backpack

CO 3
row 1: Knit

row 2: kfb p kfb

row 3: purl

row 4: kfb k1 [yo k2tog] to last st, kfb

row 5: purl

row 6: kfb [ssk yo] to last 2 st, k1, kfb

Repeat rowa 3-6 to desired length

For my i-cord, I knit 2 stitches and BO from the second stitch until I reached the last stitch. I put my first stitch on a safety pin (or holder). With my last stitch, I kfb until there were 4 stitches on that needle (2 rows) and used a DPN to make my i-cord.

AKA I just used the very end stitch to increase to 4 to do my i-cord.


  1. Wow! You sure do have a lot of nice FOs!

  2. awww tvm. Almost everything I've done has the designer and pattern name, so you can do them too. If u scroll over the pic on the slideshow, it should come up. :-D thanks
